Make your contribution today!
PVOP is funded from our membership, grant support, and the generosity of people like you. Please consider making a donation to help us continue to bring our joyful singing to communities in the Philadelphia area. PVOP is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization. EIN: 20-3671863. Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
You can click the button above or make checks payable to Philadelphia Voices of Pride and mail them to:
Philadelphia Voices of Pride
1315 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
A huge THANK YOU to our donors!
(January 2024 - December 10, 2024)
Business and Foundation Support
DIAMOND (a gift of $25,000 and above)
GOLD (a gift of $10,000 and above)
SILVER (a gift of $5,000 and above)
Philadelphia Cultural Fund
BRONZE (a gift of $1,000 and above)
Delaware Valley Legacy Fund, PSEG, Vanguard
FRIENDS OF THE CHOIR (a gift of up to $1,000)
Johnson & Johnson
Individual Donations
THALIA (a gift of $2500 and above)
Adrianna Nerino, David Walton, Erica Rose Smith (in honor of Kym Weiler, Rachel Reiter,
& Becky Riether - Thank you for your help with Grandma!), Roland Dunbrack, Wayne Marquardt
POLYHYMNIA (a gift of $1000-$2499)
Joseph/Emily Gianfortoni
ERATO (a gift of $750-$999)
URANIA (a gift of $500-$749)
Barry Kessler, Kevin Finnerty, Mario Koym-Garza
TERPSICHORE (a gift of $250-$499)
Bob & Joan Shaffer (in honor of Erica Rose Smith), Elizabeth Collinger, Moitreyee Kishore, Yvette Wilson-Kentch
CLIO (a gift of $100-$249)
Amy Gall (in honor of Becquerel Jones), Andrew Lutsky, Diana & Stuart Donaldson (in honor of Arlene Mand), Diane Michon,
Doron Henkin, Eric Kearsley, Holly Kershner, Joseph Conners, Liz Scott, Mario Garza, Mark Aufdemberge, Nancy Kim,
Patricia Brown (in honor of Katie Pflaumer), Patricia Januszewski (in honor of Erica Rose Smith), Pete Sayer, Renee Sussman,
Ruth & Kerry Baruth (in honor of Cassidy Rose), Sara Neale, Tobiann Reinhard, Wayne Cornett
EUTERPE (a gift of $50-$99)
Allison Hawk (in honor of Elizabeth Collinger), Amy Littman, Andrea Case (in honor of Renee Case), Beth Anastasi,
Bill Fanelli (in honor of Cass in tonight’s concert!), Bill/Karen Jahn, Candy Darr, Catherine Smith, Charles Hewlett, Cindy White,
Deborah Boyd (in honor of Sabrina Boyd), Deborah Turner, Doug Collinger (in honor of Elizabeth Collinger), Gary Kessler,
Gershon Cattan, Heath Allen, Helen Mazarakis, Jessica Most, John Jahn (in honor of Caro Kessler), Kathryn Morgan,
Kristi Hunter-Ryan (in honor of Erica Rose Smith), Laura DeRiggi, Mark Garcia, Maryanne Nuzzo, Michael Hairston,
Michael Maurizi, Norma Meyer, Paul Bryan, Robert F. Schaefer, Simone Allendar, Susie Downing, Zoe Higgins
CALLIOPE (a gift of up to $49)
Abigail Kempson, Alessa Abruzzo, Alexis Fuller-Wright, Alice Marques, Alisia Sandstrom (in honor of my cousin Izzy Lopez), Amy Thatcher,
Amy Walls, Anne Croat (in honor of Maya Hanson, my awesome daughter), Avery Finch, Bill Masterson, Bob Brano, Bob Krantweiss, Bonnie Ford,
Caroline Kessler, Catherine Scaffidi, Christina Cordero, Christina Tolomeo, Claire King (in honor of Mandie Spindler), David Rendell,
Elizabeth Marie, Elizabeth Scaffidi (in honor of Erica, my talented cousin), Ellie Hoffman, Emily Littman, Florence Selvin, Gayle Martin,
Ginny Brown (in memory of Claire Crawford), Gloria MacLean, Jennifer Leupold, Jennifer Prior, Jisun Yang (in honor of Eriac Rose Smith), Joan Zumoff,
John Mahlman, John Polhamus, Jon Chiarelli, Joseph Reiter, Kate Lauzar (in honor of Victoria Alfred-Levow), Katherine Allen, Katherine Pflaumer,
Kathleen Cournoyer, Kathryn Shelton, Kierney Corliss, Kristen G, Lesli Cattan, Liam Smith, Lindsay Wiseman, Lisa Parker, Malcolm Cooper,
Malcolm Miller, Mara Klinkhammer, Mark Krull, Mary Delany-Hudzik, Mary Thompson, Matthew Wachsman (in honor of Mariana Duenas),
Melissa Copestake, Merry Naddeo, Michael Deshields, Michael Gruber (in honor of Cassidy Gruber Baruth), Michael McClintic, Montana Goodman,
Pam Prior, Pamela Patton, Pat Croat (in honor of Maya Hanson), Patricia Steinhauer, Patti Carter, Paul Cassell (in honor of Maya Hanson),
Paul Mischler, Peter Burroughs (in honor of Castin Stone), Rachel Altschuler, RJ Portella, Robin Lumb, Robyn Taylor, Sabrina Boyd-Surka,
Samantha Garrett, Samantha Mesa, Sandy Smith, Sara Palmer, Sara Rabatin, Sophie Rudder, Susan Papa (in honor of Claudia Schatz),
Susan Rabatin, Susan Schneller, Suzanne Eileen, Terry Gee, Tess Speranza, Veronica Haas, Victoria Schrag